Experience Trusted Execution.

Achieve the most important goals for yourself, your household, or your organization.

Coached Onboarding

Coached Onboarding

Work with a coach to define your success & create a tailored plan to match

MyA App

Execution of routines powered by the app & boosted by MyA’s comprehensive motivation & reflection toolkit



Access to the MyA Discord community where our clients cheer each other on

AI Coaching

Coaching suggestions powered by ChatGPT

Group coaching

Weekly small group sessions (up to 5) facilitated by a MyA certified coach

1:1 Coaching

Weekly 1:1 sessions facilitated by a MyA certified coach

App + AI Coaching

App + AI Coaching


per month

+ $100 Set up fee

Coached Onboarding

Work with a coach to define your success & create a tailored plan to match

MyA App

Execution of routines powered by the app & boosted by MyA’s comprehensive motivation & reflection toolkit


Access to the MyA Discord community where our clients cheer each other on

AI Coaching

Coaching suggestions powered by ChatGPT

Group coaching

Weekly small group sessions (up to 5) facilitated by a MyA certified coach

1:1 Coaching

Weekly 1:1 sessions facilitated by a MyA certified coach

App + Group Coaching

App + Group Coaching


per month

+ $100 Set up fee

Coached Onboarding

MyA App


AI Coaching

Group coaching

1:1 Coaching

App + 1:1 Coaching

App + 1:1 Coaching


per month

+ $100 Set up fee

Coached Onboarding

MyA App


AI Coaching

Group coaching

1:1 Coaching

Our team will demo MyA for your use case.

Experience Trusted Execution

Our team will demo MyA for your use case.

Experience Trusted Execution