Jul 11, 2024

Results from Week 1: Paid Habit Building for Families

Striving to be more productive as a Family.

David Liu

MyA Founder

At MyA, we are building a system that uses business techniques to create operational success in homes with high operational load. Techniques include workflow automation, outsourcing, metrics, coaching, gamification, rewards, outsourcing and social accountability. In week 1 of a 4 week pilot with an operationally overloaded family of 6, we achieved 87 - 92% success on goals and progress on the parents' goals of reducing their mental load and nagging of kids; improving mental health and self care across the household; enhancing the kids' development; and improving the quality of a diabetic grandma's care. We will update weekly, welcome comments and are looking for additional participants.

At MyA, we are applying business techniques to help families improve performance and well-being.

Specifically, we use the phrase Trusted Execution – the ability for a person to get things done on time, correctly and with confidence, either by themselves or someone else.

We help families achieve trusted execution through business techniques that have generated trillions of dollars in revenue for the world's most successful companies.

The MyA App allows family members to enter their routines into an app and manage daily checklists; and aims to use all known tools of motivation and performance – including workflow automation, outsourcing, metrics, coaching, gamification, rewards and social accountability – to help get more with less (and gain some time to relax).

We describe early results from a pilot with the (anonymized) Lee family. The Lees are a multigenerational family of 6 stricken by ADHD, underemployment, diabetes and early stage dementia. Prior to the pilot, the family was having trouble executing their routines consistently, which caused unnecessary stress and hindered their well being.

One week into the pilot, the family was able to achieve a 92% (160 / 174) completion rate for tasks they intended to do, have made progress on 5 quality of life goals that they set and have further optimized their household operations.

Meet the Lees

Our pilot family can be described as follows:

  • 48 yo dad with ADHD, is underemployed (causing financial pressure) and high blood pressure

  • An 83 year old dependent grandmother with diabetes and early stage dementia

  • 3 kids: a 12yo son, 10yo daughter and 8yo daughter

  • A mom who experiences frustration from tasks not getting done consistently in the home. Spouses of a parent with ADHD often experience above normal levels of frustration as an ADHD parent can “be like another kid” [1]

Prior to the pilot, the parents articulated the following goals to improve their quality of life:

  • Both parents should not have to nag their kids after tasks have been agreed to (chores, homework and violin practice)

  • Mom should get more mental space and some time to organize the house

  • Dad should dedicate more energy to finding employment or improving his employability

  • Dad should start exercising regularly to manage his high blood pressure

  • Grandma's routines to manage her diabetes should be run consistently

Pilot design

We initiated a 4 week pilot that ran as follows:

  • 5 members of the family (3 kids, grandma and dad) entered their routines into the MyA App

  • Each of the 5 members logged in daily to address their checklists. The family members could earn 2 points per day, one for logging in, addressing all task items and logging out; and a second point for logging in on time (before an agreed-upon time). To address a task item, the family members only needed to declare that it was done or skipped (not necessarily mark it done)

  • The family cumulatively had 35 sessions (5 people x 7 days in the week) and could earn 70 points (2 points / session x 35 sessions). The family cumulatively had 174 checklist items (Average of 5 / day / person) for the week

  • Each member was paid $1 / day for logging in, addressing all task items and logging out and an additional $0.50 for logging in on time. If a family member earns all 14 points for a week, they receive an additional $4.50 bonus. In total each member can earn $15 / week and $300 over the 4 weeks ($15 / week x 4 weeks x 5 members)

  • Monies are paid from an external MyA “Trust Fund" that we created to help families achieve trusted execution

  • The family was given a data scorecard each day and a coaching session at the end of the week where data was shared and ideas for continuous improvement brainstormed

Week 1 results

The family achieved encouraging results within the first week:

  1. 87% (61 / 70) of points were earned for logging in correctly and on time, addressing all items and logging out

  2. 92% (160 / 174) routine tasks were completed on-time

  3. 100% (60 / 60) of grandma’s life-preserving activities (measuring blood pressure and glucose; taking insulin and other pills and exercising after meals) were executed on-time

  4. 90% (47 / 52) success for kids on their routines (doing homework, chores and practicing violin)

We also made tremendous progress on the parents' self declaried quality of life goals:

  1. Mom and dad noted a reduced need to nag the kids in conjunction with increased compliance

  2. Mom had some time to organize and declutter the home

  3. Dad found a job opportunity that brings him close to full employment

  4. Dad performed cardio exercises twice (vs. zero times in the 3 prior weeks)

  5. Dad noted that the care provided to grandma had become consistent, bringing peace of mind

  6. All 3 children enjoyed using the app to accomplish tasks and earn a little extra money

  7. Through coaching, mom and dad also identified more tasks that could be delegated to the kids, which freed them up for more "executive" tasks. One child was recruited to help ensure grandma executed her routines.

This was a good start and we'll be curious to see how it progresses. We will continue to measure progress in real time and share them with the public.

Interested in the MyA Family Trust Challenge?

Interested in improving your family’s performance and well being through proven business techniques, please reach out to david@mya.homes.

About MyA

MyA is a platform for Trusted Execution. Trusted Execution is the ability to do things on time, correctly and with confidence, either by you or someone else and we believe there is a shortage of it in the world today. Our mission is to create performance and well-being in homes through Trusted Execution.


[1] Helping Your Husband with ADHD: Supportive Solutions for Adult ADD/ADHD , living with a significant other who has ADD/ADHD. "They present the syndrome as a physical ailment, citing neurochemical imbalances that lead to such symptoms as impulsive actions, distractibility, the inability to complete tasks, and a volatile temperament. The result is a husband who can’t do chores, care for kids, pay bills, find keys, hold a conversation, have sex, or, often, hold down a job"

Our team will demo MyA for your use case.

Experience Trusted Execution

Our team will demo MyA for your use case.

Experience Trusted Execution